April showers bring…more reading time! 

Happy April! 

This month I’m finishing up my Spring TBR list.  I have The Fall of the House of Usher and Till We Have Faces left, which I’m pretty happy about; I’ve made better progress than I expected. 

Other than those two, I’m still working on Anna Karenina, which is a slow work in progress, but it is so worth it. Every chapter is amazing, and I’m liking Tolstoy almost as much as I like Dostoevsky.

 I also just received Mr. Rochester by Sarah Shoemaker from Netgalley in exchange for a review, and I’m looking forward to reading that. I’m hoping it gives me a new opinion on the famous love interest of Jane Eyre.

After that, I’m up for suggestions to finish off the month, so that’s where you bibliophiles come in! 

Do you guys think I should read Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel or The Last Days of New Paris by China Mieville first? Or do you have a different suggestion? 

3 thoughts on “April showers bring…more reading time! 

  1. The classics are a must for lovers of literature. They all sound like great choices. I’d suggest adding The Brontes, Dickens and Wilkie Collins. If you want to read about Rochester’s (true) nasty nature The Eyre Hall Trilogy might interest you. Let me know if you’d like a review copy.


    1. I would be interested! As of right now I have a few books I’m reviewing, including a modern one about Mr. Rochester, but when I get done with those I will touch base with you! I just finished Wuthering Heights and I absolutely loved it! The Brontes are so amazing!

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